Wednesday, April 22, 2015

More Stuff from the Cupboards

I keep emptying cupboards, goodness, what cute things I am finding! Here are a few more odds and ends up for sale soon.

Monday, April 20, 2015

A Little Romance

I cleaned out another Clarinda cupboard, saved half for the new house, the other half for sale--decided to let go of my wedding cake topper collection, they are so sweet! I also finally have enough tiny ironstone pitchers for my little kitchen display, so have a few to sell. The stained pitcher up top is a larger size, but isn't the staining all prim and gorgeous? The 1940s lady head vase is so pretty with apple blossoms.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

A Splurge Just for Me

It was the Collectors Eye antique show this weekend, where I always find the best early wares. These, I bought for me, a little tin head doll with the best early blue calico dress (and I LOVE that her hands are blue calico), and a little tin horse chocolate mold. I figured they were small for the move ahead! In the meantime, I kind of give up on having a sale--didn't move a thing with my markdowns, guess I should face that they will have to be carted to the new house. I still have tons to list, so back to work!

Monday, April 13, 2015

The Miracle of the Chalk Paint

Years ago, I bought this little cupboard on ebay, back before ebay protected the sellers from uninsured merchandise and it arrived with its doors broken in half, and the hideous green paint that I thought I could fix would not accept the blue I tried to put over it, it looked even worse when I was done. In disgust, I pushed it to the back of a shelf and forgot about it until this weeks pack and clean nightmare. I almost tossed it in the trash, but saw the jar of chalk paint just as it was on the way to the bin and decided to give it one more try. VOILA! How pretty is it now? This was a lesson in not giving up!

Friday, April 10, 2015

Selling Some from My Personal Collection

Most of these will be buy it now. Columns spice tin and tiny flour sack are $28 each, $14 for the Monarch tin, $38 for the raisin tin, $17.95 for the creamtop spoon (and I have 2 of these), $18 for the tiny funnel, $45 for the pair of tiny biscuit cutters.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Bargains Galore on the Way to Ebay

I'm cleaning cupboards and have about one million odds and ends to list this week coming--I will be auctioning so many kitchenwares and tins for tiny money, plus really good large items for medium money...stay tuned! These photos are just the tip of the proverbial antique iceberg...

Monday, April 6, 2015

What a Difference a Day Makes

On Thursday, I had resigned myself to moving back to Clarinda, uprooting everything here and just saying goodbye. On Friday afternoon, my husband's new contract came through, job secured, house of my dreams on the market and sold to us. Talk about a whirlwind! I keep pinching myself to be sure I'm awake. I never thought I'd get an old house in Iowa City, they are just scarce here, but this one is mine now, built in 1870, needs some sprucing up, but we are old hands at that. This will soon be the "bringing the old place back to pretty" blog soon. Here is a photo of the parlor, you can see how one can go head over heels for a house.

Saturday, April 4, 2015


Getting serious about packing up to move, I just changed the prices on a lot of the old stuff in my ebay store to move it out and could probably be convinced to give sales on some of the other goods--I know I won't budge on the early originals like my scrub boxes and big dough bowls and early early tins, but would take about 20 percent off some other things if I end them and sell through paypal, send requests!

Friday, April 3, 2015

A Little Americana

Photos on tin stuff---I can't stop doing it.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Stress Levels Rise

Well, we spent two weeks in Clarinda starting the process of finally getting that house ready to sell or move back in to, who knows which? So many fixes were needed, and so much more to do. We emptied closets and trunks that got closed and forgotten for years, found lots of clothing with shoulder pads, downright vintage! We sent 2 truckloads of furniture to auction, filled 2 dumpsters with stuff I don't even know why it was ever kept, and gave away about 2 truckloads of goods to the charity store. Still, we have too much stuff, the hazards of being an antique dealer who always thinks she will finish that project someday. In the meantime, cute early tin stuff, most are in the crazy expensive realm as they are rather rare...