Thursday, October 20, 2016

Christmasing Up the Place

My workshop is putting in overtime...if we just get that freaking back porch painted in Clarinda, I could do this full time.  If wishes were horses, my mother would say, all beggars might ride.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

A Bad Juju Day

I am so tired from the constant trips to Clarinda to paint and I have to go back again--aagh!  I decided to take a mental health morning and go to Kalona to have some fun.  It didn't work out so good.  First, I stopped at my antique mall, where I have basically not sold anything for about 6 months, and will have to face the fact that I am going to have to give up that venue.

Well, I thought, a stop at Sister's Garden always cheers me up.  They were closed--they are never closed on a weekday like this!  Oh, well again--I will drive to Kalona, after all, the chocolate factory is the best pick me up one could want--and they are closed due to smoke damage, which also got the bakery next door--not even a donut for happiness.

I got home to find the dog had been sick on the carpet--always the carpet, never an easily cleanable floor.  I then realized I had forgotten the one thing I had to do today, stop at the hospital to drop off a bill for my husband.  Back in the car and more time wasted.  So, I cancelled all my projects that had been my plan for the day and took photos for listing instead.  Here are a few of my offerings coming soon to eBay.

Friday, October 7, 2016

Special order sugar bucket

The bucket is finished, here are the photos:

If you could send your email address to me at (the link is on the right sidebar), I can get an invoice off to you.  I would ship on Monday. Thank you!