Saturday, September 30, 2017

Remodeling Memories

I got a blast from the past in Facebook memories today and decided to share.  It was back when we were tearing out the old kitchen, I had forgotten how ugly it was.  Since my house is currently a horrifying mess as I get ready to do show in Clarinda next week, it was nice to see a photo of when it was clean.

Here is the sink that was there when I moved in, weirdly off center from the window and uuuuugggglllyyy.

We went to a salvage yard and found this old lady, much in need of a clean up and something to set it on.

We scoured the state looking for a base for the sink, thinking there was no hope, until we checked our own attic and the perfect base was there!

Currently that pretty sink is covered with dirty antiques in need of a bath, so I'd better go get washing.

Friday, September 15, 2017

Way Cool In White

Well, how Pinterest-y is this group?  These are things I'm not sure I want to sell, but most likely will.  I am pretty sure I NEED the truck--it has been sitting on my mantelpiece looking like it belongs there.

In the meantime, I have one million things ready to list, bunches of little chippy cars and trucks with trees, framed fabric goods and lots of little tin molds, which is all I can remember right now.

I also just finished my craft room and spent two days moving all my stuff back in.  It is a tiny little room that I have managed to squeeze in two pie safes, my work table and at long last, a little sewing table.  I just bought the cutest Stacey Mead patterns and hope I actually get them made now that the sewing machine is set up and ready to go.  I think I have had to drag it out of the closet and sew at the dining room table for the last twenty years, this is quite an improvement.

                                            Here is my finished work space:

In blast from the past moment, this is what it was when we moved here--yes, the paint color was dreamsicle orange and the carpet was gray indoor/outdoor variety. 

as much as I cursed my husband when he ripped out the carpet to reveal a 24 hour glue removal job, I LOVE my new blue painted floor.

This is the pie safe just for stuff I love.

On the other side of the room, it gets a little messy, this is the working pie safe, stuffed full of fabric, plus all the boxes on top are full of fabric.  You may notice that wood mashers number in the thousands...

Now I can sew, if only I will...

and lastly, my newly lavender little bathroom next to the craft room

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Stencil World

I wanted to do some bread boards with Christmas stencils, but still have them useful for every day decorating too and I love the two I did:

                                                          First, Mr. Pig is pretty cute...

I love this square one too

This one is just an every day, I didn't Christmas the back--I like the porcelain knob handle on top.

and lastly, we have rolling pins!

P.S.  The craft room floor is done. No one should be surprised that I painted it blue.  Photos to come soon.