Friday, July 27, 2018

Sampler Madness

Sales are trending up and I have some fall craft ideas.  I still haven't acted upon those ideas, so we will see how that works out.  In the meantime, the girls have been making samplers for me and I have been framing them with my collection of antique frames.  Several are Christmas themed, so I think I'll start adding Christmas goods in early.

It has been a very stressful July, worries about my daughter having surgery to remove wisdom teeth, mother-in-law needing nursing home care and possibly moving in with our family, and my husband's job is always a source of exasperation.  Anna's surgery was successful and she had a bad week of pain, but is better now.  The rest still needs sorting out, so no rest for this very weary soul.

Monday, July 16, 2018

I Used up All My Blue Milk Paint

I should have known to buy the giant bag of milk paint powder--the smaller size was gone in a flash!  I LOVE my newest creations and will work hard to get them out for sale soon.

I know I need to start thinking about fall things, as they only sell in August for some reason.  I'm just now getting in the mood to do red white and blue July 4th stuff, so very behind the times in shop world.  Hopefully, I will get some fall inspiration this year--I totally missed the boat last year, not an original idea in my head.  Pinterest isn't even helping me, all the Halloween stuff is kind of country cutsie, not what I want to do.  I have been listening to Harry Potter books as I work, and that hasn't helped either.  Ah, well, here is where my heart is, back in blue land.

I actually have a few more blue rolling pins besides these.

and how gorgeous is the Laundry Basket Quilts blue calico?

this little girl is an antique Amish doll, warning you, the price is $250

bread board, front and back:

Thursday, July 12, 2018


I traveled all across eastern Iowa on the 4th of July and was rewarded with some very nice early goods.  Sales are picking up at last, so I might actually be able to sell some of these!

An early crock full of blessings?

I do love my tinwares.

Cute little building looks like a Quaker meeting house.

I have looked forever to find a tin rolling pin holder like this, and never saw one for under $400 until now.  Mine will sell for $98.

and last, this is a rather wonderful vegetable slicer

Monday, July 2, 2018

4th of July Shows Looming Ahead

Slump continues, currently at 68% drop in sales from last year at this time, and last year wasn't good.  Heavy sigh.  July 4th shows in just two days, will have to borrow money to purchase and hope the world starts shopping again sometime.

I made clothespin dolls this weekend and the girls are stitching samplers for me, they are so pretty.