Monday, August 27, 2018

Autumn Goods and Witchly Blackness

I think I am about done with my autumnal creations.  I have a spooky mirror and some witchy brooms to finish and I think I am going to do a few vintage postcard tins as well, then I am heading to the Christmas work room.    I only have a few ideas so far, hoping more fill my brains once I start.

In the meantime, sales are good for me and I have been scouring the flea markets and estate sales here, it is kind of an avalanche of prims all over the house, awaiting cleaning, repair and of course, some blue paint.  I saw a haunted dollhouse on facebook and am also completely obsessed with the thought of doing my own version.  We shall have to see if dreams meet reality.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Fall and Hallow's Eve Primitives

I am officially working hard on fall goods--if they don't sell this year, it certainly isn't that I didn't try.  Here are the latest creations off the assembly line.

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Estate Sale Madness

I am a bit overwhelmed with sorting, cleaning and fixing the mountain of antiques I have purchased in the last two weeks.  Here is just a tip of the iceberg:

Last week was the What Cheer flea market, 6 hours of trudging through fields, but I came away with some lovely things.  This weekend I spent an entire day at an estate sale, and bought mountains of truly filthy primitives.  I spent the next day hosing it all off--I was black with dirt by the time I finished.  Here are a few of those goods cleaned and ready for sale:

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Hallow's Eve has Arrived

I got a few spooky goods in the store, and more on the way, I think I am on a roll.

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Autumn Ideas Turn into Reality

I spent all week tackling the fall line, I got so caught up in it that I painted things with pumpkin milk paint!  I do not enjoy the color orange in general, but the muted antique pumpkin worked out ok.

eBay is finally getting busy again, hoping the autumn goods will do as well.  I have some spooky Halloween prims still in the half-done phase and have a stack of things to get black milk paint.  Busy, busy!