Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Painting, Printing and Staining, Oh My!

I guess one good thing comes out of this never ending winter--I am getting a lot of work done.  I don't really feel like getting a lot of work done, but it is hard to even leave the house with the bitter cold and the ice on top of ice.

I went on a tin painting frenzy and printed up lots of fabric to sleeve them and stained the fabric and my hands--I hope no one thinks I never wash my hands, because that is what it looks like.

Here are the creations, to be followed by more reds and of course, some blues.

and a picture of my dog Pepper, just because.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Red and Whites

I was going to do just a couple of red and white things, but once I started, I loved it so much, I kept going.

Here are a few of the finished goods.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Stop Snowing!

I think I am not alone in wanting winter to go away.  Snow, snow and more snow, soooo tired of it, the shoveling, the dirt and snow tracked into the house, scraping the windshield, wearing 40 lbs of coats and gloves.  I have been working about around the clock trying to not think about it, but I have not succeeded.  Here are some of my creations, which will be followed by about one million things in red and white, I got a little carried away...

Monday, February 4, 2019

Thawing Out

Last week was beyond horrible, the crazy arctic weather and family members having serious medical issues made it stressful beyond belief.  Things are looking more hopeful on all fronts, hoping the good stays with me.

I tried to get some better photos of the new merchandise and I think it is an improvement.  Now to get them listed is the next order of business.

I found these odd little things, and puzzled over their possible use, they have holes at the top and have a white powder inside.  I thought about something to sprinkle over pen and ink letters and I was right!  They are "pounce pots", filled with dried cuttlefish bone that was sprinkled over unsized paper to make the surface more smooth for writing.

Saturday, February 2, 2019

Replenishing the Pantry Tin Stock

I sold all of the last group of tins, so have started all over again.  Here are my latest creations;

I have a few other odds and ends ready to list: