Thursday, June 20, 2019

I Need Christmas

As the summer slow down lingers on, I decided dabbling in a little Christmas crafting would make me feel better, and it has.  I am very happy with these trees:

and these aren't exactly Christmas, but the bright reds are so pretty.  I've had these for a while, they just got a new photo session.

I just might start on fall next, that one always takes me a while, fall inspiration never comes naturally to me, but last years goods turned out ok.  Hoping for a brilliant plan to present itself!

Saturday, June 15, 2019


I bought some chickens this weekend...

Saturday, June 1, 2019

And Sales Come to a Screeching Halt

This spring has been such an improvement over years past on the sales front,  a bit slow at times, but I have had something to ship most days.  The internet appears to be closed at the moment, though.  I'm not even getting the silly questions that exasperate me--I think I'd even welcome one of those!  Now watch me backpedal furiously if that actually happens.

As with most of the Midwest, we are a bit saturated here.  Rain, rain, more rain and a few tornadoes have stopped by this week.  Here is the funnel cloud that my husband was driving by on the way home earlier this week.  It later went over our house, but no damage in town.

When not huddled in the basement, I have gotten a few things done.  These are the primitive and white group:

and the blue and white group:

and a bit of red and white: