Thursday, September 3, 2020

A Strange Tale from a University Coronavirus Case

 The University of Iowa is sort of open now.  My oldest daughter attends there, while my youngest is starting at the local community college.  They are happy to have their childhood playmate from old Clarinda living here in the dormitories as they all start college together.  Fortunately for us, their friend is a bit of a Gladys Kravitts.  That girl knows more about the goings on of the university in her few short weeks here than we have living here for years.

Anyway, this story made the local news in the first week of move-in to the dormitories:

A freshman girl came from Illinois, moved in early with her roommates.  They eat at a local restaurant their first night, next morning she has a headache.  She has a packet from the U that included a thermometer, she uses it and has a temperature.  She calls her mom, who sets up a telemedicine call for her.  He sets up a coronavirus test for her and it turns out positive.  She later posts on Instagram about how unprepared the U was--she was told to pack her belongings and take them to another dormitory, alone.  The new room is dirty, she complains, told no more rooms.  Somehow, she gets into another room and sleeps on the floor, wakes up with ants in her blankets.  At some point, she is in hysterics and about faints and calls mom again, who calls ambulance.  Kind of unclear about what happens there, but she ends up going to a hotel and getting a bus ticket home.  Fine idea to go to a hotel and ride a bus when you have covid, but there you have it.  Local news source ends story there, but my Gladys connection tells me the girl was back at the U in just a few days and moved back in to her original dorm room.  Strange, but true, as they say.

So this all leads back to our local rise in corona cases, most are university students, and since it happened so fast, I am going to say they brought it with them.  There has been no spike in cases at my husband's clinic.  Also, from what I hear, most of the student cases are very mild.  2 friends of my daughters had it and gave it a "mild cold" rating.  So, back to waiting and wondering.  

This week, I have been creating primitives in black and white, rather fond of them.

This little cupboard sold the minute I listed it, but wanted to put up a photo for posterity.