I really should not be taking time to do this, but I really want to save the photos of the Christmas goods I have been making. I still do not have my trees up, it is the rush rush rush time of year. Fortunately, much of that is shipping and more shipping, but my project list has grown to monumental proportions and hoping to make a crack in that today and get some actual painting done. Sun is out at last, but it is sooooo cold and windy, so no photographing today. Here is what I have been doing....
a blog about antiquing in Iowa, the primitives I am selling on eBay and general life lessons
Wednesday, November 30, 2022
Thursday, November 10, 2022
Farewell, Clarinda, I am Outta There!
In a miracle of miracles, we have sold the Clarinda house. We put sooooo much work in to that place, but there was sooooo much work that would need to continue to be done if we kept it. I have spent the last month dealing with the consequences of my bad choices--just leaving everything there to deal with "someday". Someday came and oh, dear! I gave away a mountain of things that I had stored from the craft shows, I threw away even more, then there was all the furniture to move. Big house, big furniture, old people....not a good combo. My amazing brother and his wife came for 2 weekends and helped move the furniture to our unfinished shop building. My little sister took away all the kitchenwares and the couch. A wonderful woman named Lori works finding things for people in need and her organization took all the beds and linens and odds and ends. There was also 3 trips to the thrift store to give things to them. I am exhausted to say the least.
Here is miracle 1, the empty craft room. It used to be my very messy craft room, then became storage after we moved. It really is a pretty room emptied of its junk.