Thursday, March 11, 2010

A Day Out

I went out to the Rug Cottage to get a teapot for my niece and visit with Nancy. We talked blogs and the girls played with the kittens. We stopped for a visit at Sisters Garden and Twin County Dairy and we just ate squeaky cheese for lunch. It was darn good.

I'm kind of in a recipe mood, so will add some more, perhaps a bit more elegant, but still easy. This one is hardly a recipe at all. Dip a strawberry in sour cream, then brown sugar. Bite and keel over from bliss. This is a good one, believe me.

This isn't really a recipe either, now that I think of it. Make a salad of fresh fruit, toss with lemon yogurt. Every time I serve this to someone who hasn't had it, I get asked how difficult it is to make such a delicious dressing. It's good to be tricky.


  1. Elaine,

    What great "recipes"... Simple is always the best. I can't wait to try them especially the strawberry, sour cream and brown sugar. It's sounds devine!

    It was so good to see you and the girls. You are the elegant "Queen of Primitives" and I love your inspiration.

    Your Blog looks great. I'll be following it. Looking forward to a good year with you at Barntiques.

    Think Spring,

  2. I miss the days we ate squeeky cheese... way before we even thought of having kids!
