Well, the first treat is caesar salad and creme brulee at Biaggis. Next, we head to Marion, which is attached to Cedar Rapids, and has all the antique stores. Big score, I found a late 1800s quilt top in dark blues and reds at Park Place Antiques. Next, we just love Antiques of Marion, the owner gives me the best deals and he always has a great selection. I got a dough bowl with an old repair, very nice. I also got an old cast iron mail box bank that is painted red and a very cool prim cast iron horse bookend with the chippiest best paint, not sure I'll be able to send that off for sale....
a blog about antiquing in Iowa, the primitives I am selling on eBay and general life lessons
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
A Good Day
I started my birthday with a lovely email all the way from England, what fun! I also got wishes from my sister. I very briefly considered throwing myself a pity party that no one else remembered, but thought better of it and set out for a wonderful day with my girls. We went to Amana and bought fabric, fabric, fabric! They have the best Civil War reproductions, and I am glorying in my pile of blue and red beauties as some women might look at their priceless jewels. We then headed out to Cedar Rapids, which will forever be Cedar Rabbits to my youngest. I slowly pronounce Raaapppppiddds, and she smiles and says, " I know, Rabbits!" She is in good company, there is an old story that back in the train days, when approaching the city, the conductor would announce "Ce--dar Ra--pids!" It is said that travellers went to peer out the windows, since they just heard "See da rabbits!"
I remembered... I am just a BAD friend. I am in the middle of a home update project that has snowballed out of control. Charlie is graduating in a month and so I thought a new coat of paint and fixing the water spot on the ceiling would be a good idea. (I let the water run over in the sink of the master bath about 6 months ago - what a mess!) Then I decided the formica counter tops really needed to go and I've always wanted a tile back splash. Then the appliances had to go because white will no longer look good with the new granite. And I'd like a dual fuel oven so we need to bring in an electrician. And I have never had a REAL dining room set so lets go look {big sigh from Brad}. And Charlie had his wisdom teeth out last Thursday.
ReplyDeleteYou will be happy to hear that my dining room is a lovely shade of blue called slate tile by Sherwin Williams.
happy birthday Elaine... and happy mother's day too!