Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Nebraska Syndrome

Last week, we set out across Iowa and Nebraska in hopes of landing in Colorado to surprise my nephew who got married on Saturday. We got all the way to Colorado when the blizzard hit the mountains, closing roads and wreaking havoc. We sadly made the decision to turn back home and missed the wedding, drat it all. My nephew is attending chef school, his new bride a student readying herself for law school. My sister got through in time to see her baby wed, and told us how the staff of the resort went all out for the happy couple, fancy hors d'oeuvres, expensive champagne and a Cake Boss type cake. She told them she comes from the Clampett family and had never had such a spread. (nope, not a pig in a blanket in sight!) Well, it was really sad to miss it, but we tortured our children on the trip back with antique malls galore, bribing them with a day at the Omaha Zoo and all the stuffed animals they could carry from the gift shop.

Grand Island Nebraska wins with best antique store of the trip, this is how good a travelogue I write, I can't remember the exact name. It was something like Railroad Antiques, but it is not as if Grand Island is an enormous town that you'd never find it. Just go downtown and there it is. It is a girls' antique mall, clean and everything so pretty and beautifully displayed. Quite a contrast to the dark and dingy mall across the street from it. And wouldn't you know, pretty clean mall has better prices than dark dingy mall! We stopped at many places, the good the bad and the ugly, and filled up the car with more antiques than I will ever get prettied up.

I am off now to paint some of the bowls and breadboards I found, still suffering car lag, that Nebraska is one LONG state!

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