Monday, April 12, 2010

Pizza Margherita Season

I just found my first pot of fresh basil at the garden store, it is pizza margherita season at last! Here is the recipe, another best ever, and no, it is not an error that there is no tomato sauce.

1. make fresh pizza crust, using own recipe or what I do is a package of Betty Crocker pizza dough, rubbing lots of olive oil in as I spread it over the pan.

2. cover crust with fresh shredded Mozzarella.

3. slice a tomato paper thin, lay slices on cheese layer.

4. cover pizza with fresh leaves of basil.

5. sprinkle salt and pepper over pizza, then drizzle olive oil over all (not too much, not too little, it takes a bit of practice, not enough is too dry, too much it turns out like deep fried pizza!)

6. bake at 425 for 10 to 15 minutes, just enough for crust and cheese to be golden brown.

My kids and I hardly like any other pizza now, this is soooo good.

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