Friday, April 16, 2010

Redecorating the Barn

Nancy at Barntiques (go see her blog on my blog list, the Rug Cottage) is redecorating and the girls and I helped a little. She painted everything such cheery pretty colors and put her 1940s cottage corner front and center, it looks great. I had a good time getting to arrange Primitives Corner, always love doing that. Mango the cat was not in sight, I think the babies might be there when we visit next.

1 comment:

  1. Elaine,

    Thanks for your help. The Barn is looking great. The porch still needs more work, but hopefully today or tomorrow. Mango had 6 kittens they next day after you were here. (2 yellow, 2 gray and 2 light yellow) Also add Barntiques blog to your list...

    Have a good weekend!!

    Happy Spring,
