Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Is It Fall Yet?

Well, I'm pretending it is, fall projects all around this big mess of a house! Never fear, children are well fed, and Lord knows, I certainly am. As a matter of fact, we are making quiche Lorraine tomorrow, here is an easy recipe:

Prebake a deep dish frozen pie shell, fill with 2 cups shredded swiss cheese, crumble cooked bacon (about 6 slices) over and we always add fresh asparagus tips and a small diced onion (really small, like boiler onion size). Whip up 3 eggs, 1 cup cream, 1 tsp salt, sprinkle of pepper and a sprinkle of nutmeg. Pour over cheese and bacon, bake at 400 for about 45 minutes until a knife comes clean out of the center. I never like anyone else's quiche, this is my favorite!

These are a few of my latest listings, always under 6stringbluesman on ebay.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Crazy Crafter

I am running in circles these days, paint and scrub, arrange and photograph, list and ship, and still my children insist I stop to feed them occasionally. These are a few projects I managed to finish among all the chaos, up for auction now in ebays primitives section under 6stringbluesman.

Friday, August 20, 2010

I'm Melting...

I've just emerged from a vat of milk paint, spent the entire week painting and sanding and scrubbing, finally got out to take pictures, and it is like Hades out there, my camera completely fogged up from the humidity. Of course, I had to put up some more Christmas, because yesterday was red milk paint day and they are pretty, pretty, pretty! I have tons to do for fall things too, lots of fabric wrapping and a little more pumpkin painting, which will hopefully be ready next week. Now to go get ebay tunnel syndrome with all these listings.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Africa Hot

As the oppressive Iowa summer lingers on, I keep hearing Matthew Broderick in Biloxi Blues "This isn't just hot, it's Africa hot." (must also intersperse my other favorite movie line which has nothing at all to do with anything...Walter Mathau as Oscar in the Odd Couple offering refreshments at his poker party "I've got green sandwiches and I've got brown sandwiches."--makes me laugh every time I think about it). Standing in line at the post office, I overheard 2 young women discussing the weather, one asking if this heat was normal for Iowa and being assured it was not. Now, this is the problem with being young, you just don't know what you are talking about. Summers were always like this when I was a kid, and there wasn't airconditioning. We used to fill bowls with ice and set them in front of the fan and just lie in front of it. We'd watch far off lightening at night just praying for a storm to break the heat. Well, I didn't walk 10 miles to school, but we did have our trials.

Now, at 300 percent humidity with blazing hot sun, what else is there to do but get out the Christmas trees? These are a few of the little Christmas goodies coming soon to an ebay near you.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

What Cheer and Pumpkin Auctions

We went to What Cheer for the big flea market yesterday, and by the end, I was beyond exhausted. It was SOOOO hot, and there is just miles of walking, through mud at some points. The kids were getting crabby, then I started getting crabby, not helped by being reminded that it was all my idea. Many good prims were found, all needing a lot of TLC, but think they will be great after a good scrub and a bit of paint, but at this point, I'm still too tired to even move the pile to the cleaning station. On the way home, stopped at Sigourney to check the antique store, found some really nice things, wait until you see the tiny broom that I paid a fortune for, but could not pass up.

In the meantime, I finished some pumpkin prims that will be up for auction today, maybe tomorrow if I get ebay elbow trying to list it all. For those of you who find this blog without ebay, my user id is 6stringbluesman, you can find all my sales there.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Well, They WANTED To Be Blue...

Stressful week of way too much to do, so how do I decompress? Painting stuff blue, of course. So pretty, so calming, it did me a world of good. I did start a pile of pumpkin goods, and will be a good girl and finish them tomorrow.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Why Is My Checking Balance Zero? Oh, Wait, I Remember....

We made an spur of the moment trip to the Czech Village in Cedar Rapids and ended up spending a good deal of the afternoon cleaning out the antique mall there. I spent every penny I had, but the finds were amazing. I bought several really early wood spoons and sweet little tin chocolate molds, lots of tins and odds and ends that are going to turn into some really cute Halloween and Christmas prims. Now, off to work!