Sunday, August 8, 2010

What Cheer and Pumpkin Auctions

We went to What Cheer for the big flea market yesterday, and by the end, I was beyond exhausted. It was SOOOO hot, and there is just miles of walking, through mud at some points. The kids were getting crabby, then I started getting crabby, not helped by being reminded that it was all my idea. Many good prims were found, all needing a lot of TLC, but think they will be great after a good scrub and a bit of paint, but at this point, I'm still too tired to even move the pile to the cleaning station. On the way home, stopped at Sigourney to check the antique store, found some really nice things, wait until you see the tiny broom that I paid a fortune for, but could not pass up.

In the meantime, I finished some pumpkin prims that will be up for auction today, maybe tomorrow if I get ebay elbow trying to list it all. For those of you who find this blog without ebay, my user id is 6stringbluesman, you can find all my sales there.


  1. I agree What Cheer track gets mighty tiring. Somtimes I bring my car in to pick something up and just use it to drive back and forth. Looks like you got somethings though! I did not make it this time. Had to work and too hot!

  2. As a regluar WHAT CHEER Dealer, don't give up on it,there is another show the first weekend in Oct. I'm sure it will be much cooler, and beside that I will be there. We skip the Aug show ( I know what a wimp) the heat is just to much for me.

  3. Hello Elaine,
    Just wondering about the scale in the photo here. I looks like you carried the pumpkin milk paint on to the metal. Can you tell me how that holds up. I have not had a ton of success getting milk paint to stick to non porous items.
