Monday, October 25, 2010

The Germs are Winning

Grace and I still coughing, but we don't feel too bad, so of course, Anna starts running a fever today, it's strep. Grace just came to tell me that she checked Anna's temperature and it was "one thousand and seven", and thought she had better have some Motrin. I guess so!


  1. Sounds like this calls for a hot bowl of chicken noodle soup! Feel better soon. And I just adore your holiday whisk brooms too!~~~Cathy~~~

  2. Hi, I forgot to ask, do you have a selling blog or website. I'd love to take a looksy at all your goodies. Cathy

  3. SHake off the bugs!
    Seems like everybody in my neck of the woods is getting this also, and they can't get over it!
    My hubby has it! So I hope it misses me, plenty of Orange Juice & vitamin C for me!
    get better!
