Saturday, October 9, 2010

A Good Time Was Had By All

After a rocky start, (my daughter came down with the flu on our departure day, and as all mothers out there know, I'd rather be sick than watch my babies suffer), the vacation was a success. We all got well, and started having fun, and good luck even found us a bit We arrived at the Disneyland Grand Hotel, greeted at the door and told we had been chosen as the days VIPs, and got upgraded to a designer suite and had our own special contact for anything we needed. They arranged our park tickets, breakfast with Ariel and it was all quite wonderful. The park was all dressed up for fall, despite the 90 degree heat, it was very festive, we got to meet so many of the characters and have pictures taken, rides had hardly any lines, and were fun, fun, fun. My nephew and sister convinced me to try the Tower of Terror, and I tell you, I have never been so scared in my life! That Disney magic takes you from sitting down in an elevator to the Twilight Zone where reality really did go away. They open the doors to see the hotel ghosts, then drop the elevator, a real plummet to your death experience, then back up to the top of the hotel, open the doors and it looks like you are going to fall off the tower, then whoosh! Plummet to your death once again! Thrilling, I guess so! After that, having the Indiana Jones boulder threaten to crush you seemed positively a baby ride.

We left LA to visit relatives near Sacramento, got to shop in Grass Valley and taste a little local wine, visit the place I was born, Placerville, and where we lived as kids, Pollock Pines, then the long drive home, up the mountains and down the mountains, flattened out in Nebraska, where I spent all my antique money in one day, found wonderful wonderful prims, just need to be the lightening lister now!

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