Thursday, October 14, 2010


The girls and I made pancakes this morning, I am not a very good flipper, and they usually look ghastly, but my sweet babies tell me not to worry, they taste really good and that's all that matters. Now, my mom was a pancake artist. You have your painters, your sculptors, my mom's medium was pancake batter. We got pancakes in the shape of teddy bears and bunnies, and always snowmen at Christmas ( no molds, she would pour the batter free form to make the shape). When the boy grandkids came, she made them shark pancakes. You also have to know she was doing this for 8 children (we were 7 girls and one boy, thus the girly shapes of our childhood), working nights, and doing all the housework. I always tell my girls these stories about their grandmother, and this morning we attempted the first snowman, hardly a triumph, but figure we can keep practicing. I'm pretty sure I'll never manage the bunny ears and am hoping I master just making circle pancakes someday!

Here's something I'm a little better at, covering tin with fabric!

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