Monday, December 27, 2010

Back to Work~

Vacation over, but it was a very Merry Christmas. We spent the day with my in-laws, had a lovely dinner (even better that I didn't have to cook), and Eleanor is such a good pie baker, so dessert always a treat. The wrapping paper scraps are all picked up now, but we will enjoy the tree and the Santas for a couple more weeks yet. The snow we got was of the most beautiful kind, trees are all frosted, and it makes all the Christmas lights look a little misty and gorgeous. Even better news is that warm up is predicted so it could all melt before we have to shovel again.

I didn't spend the week doing completely nothing, so I have some great prims to list over the next few days, mashers and brooms and bowls and so much more, time to get cracking!

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