Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A Day of 500 Photos

I don't remember the last time we got any sun, out today at last and I've been taking photos all morning--500 of them! It is going to be a long ebay week, I can tell. You can email me at and I can send you a link to my ebay store, my user id is 6stringbluesman, you can go to the site map and find the link for finding members.

I am fortified with the new McDonald's fruit oatmeal, it is SO good, I can't believe I got it at McDonald's. The fruit is good and the oatmeal is not too sweet, even the kids love it. I know, it is not like oatmeal cookery is that difficult, but sure is fun to have someone else do the cooking once in a while.

I have a huge bunch of blues to list, threw in bittersweet colors for good measure, lots of prairie browns, and some great prim blacks in the works. It is so darn cold, I shouldn't have any trouble staying home to work, but those Ghost Whisperer reruns do have the girls and I sitting all suspenseful every afternoon!


  1. Oh, I am so excited to see all the pictures!
    I have been wondering about the oatmeal from McDonalds, now I will have to try it!
    love the bowls, love the paddle, love the crock!Blues, blacks , bittersweet! and look at the rolling pins!
    I posted a blues today on my blog, yep if you look at it you will recognize some of the items, okay a lot of the items!
    Can't wait to see the goodies, tell the girls the kitty customer says hello!

  2. Elaine,

    I just love that new Mc Donald's oatmeal also!!! In fact I had some last night between the boy's basketball games. We had a run between Regina and then down to Wellman for Nathan's game. It's just wonderful on these cold nights.

    Isn't the sun shine wonderful. It had done wonders for my winter blues. Speaking of blues... I just love your new blue bowls.
    Tell the girls.. Hi.

    Happy Sunshine,

  3. You have lots of nice old pieces & I love all the blues ! I tried to find you on EBay, but couldn't....I wish you had it listed on your blog. The quilt in the background is Beautiful Too !!!!
