Sunday, May 15, 2011

Some Nice Surprises

The girls went out in the back yard to feed Popcorn a few days ago, ran back in screaming, stopping my heart for a second before I saw the smiles that went with the screams. There were 6 wild baby bunnies in the yard, some sitting all still in the grass, some under the bushes, one sitting in the window well. They are only about 3" long, tiny and sweet, and the girls only complained a little about not being allowed to touch them. Later, one went up by Popcorn's cage and they lay next to each other, sure they were telling bunny secrets...

Yesterday was our first farmer's market day, cold and rainy, but the vendors outdid themselves, lots of asparagus and early lettuce, herbs and flowers. Our happy discovery was a jar of jelly made from violets, it is the palest lavender jewel color, and tastes wonderful.

In the afternoon, we drove to Kalona, got to the antique shop in the church just about 30 minutes after the prims dealer had restocked, what serendipity! I think I got almost everything she had just placed out, oh they are wonderful! I love this trumpet shaped masher, what a fun antique.

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