Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Don't Worry, I Was Raised Around the United Methodist Women

I think this bowl is a masterpiece of deception, the dry blue milk paint I added looks a hundred years old. The bowl is an oldy, at least 100 years itself, the gorgeous patina inside is original, the outside of the bowl wasn't so pretty, but lovely now with its new paint. I will always fess up to my additions, never fear, the church ladies taught me well! It's a good thing blue is so soothing, my Gracie got a bug bite, just one, and her face is swollen up so badly her eyes can barely open. We've gone from benadryl to bigger gun meds, swelling going down, but the poor thing looks like she's been in a fight. Of course, I spent all night staring at her sleeping instead of sleeping myself, so I am weary!


  1. Wishing Gracie well~ hugs to her!
    Wonderful inido~ pretties~

  2. Wonderful bowl.
    Wishing Gracie a speedy recovery.
    I was raised around those Methodist women too.
    My Grandpa always said,
    You can tell when a Methodist woman enters the gates of heaven...because she'll be caring a covered dish with her. LOL!


  3. Gorgeous blues Elaine!! Hope Gracie gets back to normal soon! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin
