Wednesday, June 15, 2011

My Sister's Garden

Kathey got the green thumb in the family, actually she just works harder than the rest of us to make her beautiful little oasis in the back yard. I love my flowers, but just don't make the effort she does. Isn't this beautiful?


  1. Elaine~ I say she has a green thumb! Wow~ her garden is breathtaking so very pretty & relaxing!!!
    I think you both have a big dose of talent & creativity!!!( just different kinds~ LOL)
    thanks for sharing~ so inspiring~

  2. I am much like you -- love my yard and I try to make it look nice, but I just don't give it the effort like some other people -- my sister included!! She LOVES being out working in the yard -- I b*tch and moan about the heat, the bugs, etc.!
    Your sister has created a beautiful place for all to enjoy. As Teresa said above, you are both extremely creative and talented!
    Have a lovely day.....

  3. Your sister grows a lovely garden! And your words hit too painfully close to home....I so envy those wonderful places, but am too much of a "fair weather" gardener to make it happen on my little piece of earth....Can't be too cold, too hot, too windy, too wet...or too many other things calling... ;o) Thanks for sharing the lovely images...Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin
