Monday, July 4, 2011

Independence Day for the Antique Crowd

I am not a morning person at all, but was up at 6 this morning, out in the bright morning sunshine for Hanson's Grove Antique Show in Solon, then on to Mt Vernon and Marion. As you can see, careful packing was needed, especially after my husband found a $35 drop leaf table. Me "It won't fit." James, "It is only $35, it is going to fit." He turned it 4 ways, and by gosh, it fit!


  1. Beautiful prims.We don't normally have shows like that our way but I would have been up early too.Happy 4th!~Amy

  2. Beautiful!!!! Looks like you had a FANTASTIC 4th. Great finds...enjoy the fireworks!!

  3. Now that's my kind of celebration! Woo Hoo! What lovelies!! And your so blessed to have a James like that...My DH wouldn't have been there in the first place...and in the second, he would have been saying "...and what are you going to do with that?!" Lucky you! Glad you enjoyed the holiday! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  4. Wonderful pics of the 4th~ looks like fun~ with lots of eye candy!!!
