Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Attack of the Giant Dough Bowls

I painted up these enormous dough bowls last year, listed them, then forgot about them when the listings ended, I just happened to notice them sitting forlornly on a bench down here in the work room--you know your work room is a mess when you don't notice a stack of giant bowls for a year! They are all 18 and 19" in diameter.

I have been a very good girl this week, finishing up special orders and getting all excited about painting up fall things and even wistfully thumbing through a Christmas book, can hardly wait until it is evergreen time again!


  1. Love them big ol' bowls -- and would love to have one, if I only had room!! The blue one is especially pretty. I can see them all decorated up for the fall and Christmas seasons -- full of bittersweet and evergreens..... Maybe once I get settled in our new "old" home (restoring my grandmother's homestead),I can find room for more wonderful stuff!!! Until then, I must just stick to little things -- and drool over the bigger ones!

    Have a great afternoon!

  2. Elaine,
    so many pretties~ how did you miss them big bowls~ sounds like something I would do~ giggles~
    Wonderful job on everything~ from crock~ to boards~ to bowls~

  3. Hey Elaine...
    What is it...about the Huge Bowls...that pulls us right to them?...Oh My! I LOVE...LOVE....LOVE Them!
    Love to Ya!
    Barb C.
