Sunday, August 28, 2011

Clean that House!

I've been out on the deck taking pictures for ebay while my girls played with the little neighbor girls in the back yard. They are just 3 and 5. The youngest is a blonde ringlet, china blue eyed doll and quite the little firecracker. She asked to come in the house and I told her not today, as I have the biggest mess inside (couch covered with fabric I am sorting through to cover crocks and the like, bookcases unseen behind stacks of ebay wares ready to list, tables and kitchen counters obliterated by the crocks and tins I just washed, and shipping boxes making a nice little maze on the floor.) She put her hands on her hips and said, "Well, I'm a good cleaner, I'll just come in and clean that up for you!" I laughed and told her thank you, but I'll get it done soon. No! she says, I am going in there and I'm going to clean that now! She was determined, I guess she thought I shouldn't wait another minute.

This is what I did get done in my photography studio/backyard:


  1. Just went to Etsy and added you to my favorites and to my circle. Good Luck, I LOVE Etsy. ~Ann

  2. That's precious!! Wonder what she went home and told her mom!! ;o) Off to check out your etsy! Congrats on the venue!! Have a great week! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin
