Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Cool Breezes and Toothless Rabbits

The horrible oppressive heat gone at last! Lovely cool breezes out and we have taken to the walking trails that we haven't seen for a month, so good to get out of the house!

In Scooter the bunny news, he stopped eating again, all snaggle toothed and miserable. Back to the vet for xrays where they found he never shed his baby teeth and adult teeth grew over them which is why they would be forever crooked and keeping him from eating, so all the long front teeth had to be pulled and had to have stitches where the baby teeth were removed. Once his pain meds wore off (if you've never seen a stoned rabbit, it is interesting, I will say), he started eating and didn't stop to take a breath until the bowl was clean. Never dreamed one would need such a thing as bunny dentistry.

Vet visits and walks have kept me from my work, I think I need someone to push me back into that workroom, I am not feeling motivated!

1 comment:

  1. Poor, poor, Scooter....Glad they figured out what was going on and could get it fixed....Also glad to hear you got some cooler weather....we have too - in fact, it's down right cool here! Last night it dropped to the upper 40's....and with the wind, yikes!! Happy Wednesday! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin
