Friday, August 12, 2011

Summer's End

Now that we can finally leave the house as the heat breaks, it is apparent that summer is really coming to an end. Those noisy locusts are the first sign, and realized as we went out for an evening walk that the dark is coming much earlier. All the water grass has taken over once real grass lawns and the lettuces have bolted, my poor tomatoes never did give me much this year, they did not like that heat any more than I did. They just look sad and droopy now. I'm going to love the fall and try not to think to much about the snow that will need shoveling long before I'm ready for it!

Nothing says end of summer like watermelon, I did up some breadboards and a cute seed tin.


  1. Love your newest additions to the witch's pantry!! You do those so awesome!! (And I seem to have the same diverse reading tastes as you...LOVE the vampire chronicles and never thought I would....but gotta say her witch series was the very best!) Have a wonderful weekend...enjoy the cooldown. Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  2. Thanks for sending some customers from the Clarinda area my way. That was a long drive for them glad they found some things!
