Sunday, October 23, 2011

Antique Exhaustion

My checkbook and gas tank are both empty after this weekend. Saturday was a trip up to Anamosa to Gatherings, which always makes my heart beat faster. The Christmas displays are so beautiful and I could have just gone home with the whole store! On the way, we detoured through Stone City, where Grant Wood had a studio when he lived in Iowa. The photos are of a few spots there and a bit of the Iowa country side.

Today, I wore myself out at the Collector's Eye show in Cedar Rapids. It was primitive overload, I saw so many things I'd never seen before, but forgot to take the camera. One booth had little 4" round bread boards and a tiny little egg basket and eensiest butter stamps, all so early, so wonderful and SOOOO expensive. I sighed over the early textile booth with 1800s baby dresses of blue and red calico, all about 300 to 400 dollars each. I was able to shop well though, Polly Ann's had saved a box of tins and bowls and brooms for me, Colleen had wonders as always, and I spent a fortune at Country Love and another booth from Kewanee. It will take me a month to get everything cleaned and photographed and listed.


  1. Sounds like you had a great time!! love your pics too!

  2. Wonderful pictures, love the goods!

  3. saw your blog and your post on iowa. Haven't been to gatherings before...i'll have to check it out!


  4. Beautiful photos - and what a wonderful time it sounds. I could shop for years here and not come up with that many goodies (yeah - try to find even ONE 1800's baby dress in calico in these parts!) And I so envy you - a real live in-person trip to Gatherings...I WANNA GO!!! Wishing you a wonderful week ahead....Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  5. Elaine, oh, my sounds like eye-candy galore!!! Pretty photos~
