Monday, October 10, 2011

You Think I'd Be Used to This By Now

What a way to start the week. Open email to find mean missive that I need to quit ruining antiques. This is what offended them:

Now I have to go ruin some more stuff. I mixed up black and brown milk paint and destroyed antiques with abandon. Actually, the color is GORGEOUS, should have photos later, I found some really unusual mashers at What Cheer, they are so pretty now.


  1. Well I very much enjoy your Antiquie "ruining"! Keep up the good work! ;)

    Carmen and the Primcats

  2. It must be the same person that keeps telling me - I should say threatening me - to remove the post about the tallow berries I bought off ebay over a year ago. I was not happy with my purchase and shared my experience on my blog. I NEVER mentioned the person's name and didn't leave negative feedback. It was really more a shame on me post for not reading in between the lines. I guess it takes all kinds. I really like what you do - would you like some of mine to "ruin" and send back? (That's really a compliment - please take it that way!!!) The joys of blogging! ~Ann

  3. You're to funny Elaine....I'd invite you to come and deface some of my collections any time your little heart desires! Stay calm and Ruin On! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  4. Some people should remember the old adage of if you can't say something nice then don't say anything at all.I think that your work is beautiful and it always makes me smile.Have a great week.Hugs,Jen

  5. You must have a lot more listed to offend them as well...after all, you have actually ruined most antique pieces by adding labels to them! You must be slipping, Elaine, you could have totally annihilated it by painting it...
    Give them my e-mail address and I'll show them 100 reasons why you should NOT stop doing what you do...LOL!!! (I would have lots more to show them, but your things are so over-priced, I can't afford it...ha ha ha!!)<<yet another moan-off by someone!
    Don't let them get you down...I think we, your loyal customers, FAR outweigh your naffed off viewers! And besides, they KNOW what you do, so if they don't like it...DON'T LOOK!!!
    Now get back to work and totally destroy a few more antiques!!
    Chin up and chat soon,
    Love Karen xx

  6. Hi Elaine,
    I agree with the other poster who said if someone doesn't like what you do, don't look!!! Why must some people be so negative.... that masher with a fabric wrap is just beautiful -- why would anyone complain about that? And if they are entitled to not like antique things painted/labeled -- you are just as entitled to buy them and embellish them any way you'd like. Some people are just grumpy....
    Your items are lovely -- I have several and love them all! Keep on keepin' on!!!
