Sunday, November 27, 2011

Clarinda Open House or the Nightmare Before Christmas?

I've done it again, decided I can do a show all by myself and how much work can it be? Well, there are hours to go before I sleep, is all I have to say. I worked at the house this weekend and got a few displays up. As with all things that can go awry, my only chance to photograph was on the gloomiest day of the year. It's 10 am in a house with one million 9 foot tall windows and the light was feeble at best. This is only a tiny bit of what I have, the Christmas needs unpacking still, husband says my inventory is out of control, so I hope you all stop by and help me out with making that a bit smaller! The big post office cubby should be filled up by the time I'm done, and I still have the ornaments to hang, wreaths to put out, entryway and living room to decorate.

We had a nice Thanksgiving in Clarinda, my good friend Lisa invited us to be with her family and oh my, what a dinner! Anna said "There are so many things to choose from, I don't know where to start!" DEEEEELicious! Company was good too, an all around nice day.


  1. Love all your goodies.That trough on the table is awesome.

  2. It looks lovely Elaine, and it brings back memories. Wish I lived closer to you.
