Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A Few More Browns

Keeping things cozy with these pretty brown calicos and milk paints, I feel like I'm just having fun playing house. It was my favorite game as a child, still is! Back then, we would go out in the barn and stack up hay bales to make couches and chairs and pull the big wood wire spools in for tables. With not a Barbie dream house to be had, we spent long hours making our own Barbie houses, putting down plush towels for carpets, wrapping old shoe boxes in fabric for couches, and spools of thread made all sorts of interesting decor items. My girls are right now in their Barbie heaven, they have all these tiny little dishes and foods that they spend hours arranging and rearranging. Being fans of Scooby Doo, their Barbie tea parties are often crashed by an evil professor...

1 comment:

  1. hi, Elaine~ oh, the terrific memories of childhood~ sounds so similar to mine~
    Your Girls are creative~
    Giggles~ Barbie tea parties~with a mad professor~ oh, something makes me really like that~ giggles~
    Great Browns!!
