Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween Over, Let There be Christmas!

We had so many trick or treaters last night, I ran out of candy after 40 minutes, started handing out quarters and cans of pop, ran out of that in 10 minutes and had to close up shop, I swear they bused the kids in. This is my girls and the neighbors, who really decorated their yard (I didn't even carve the pumpkin!)


  1. Cute costumes~ Spooky yard~ looks like they were having a blast~


  2. I never carved my pumpkin either!!! And I ALWAYS carve at least one! I wasn't feeling well, we had 8 inches of snow, and nobody comes trick-or-treating here anyway!
    Your girls and the neighbors look cute! Kids always enjoy Halloween -- next year we'll be back in our hometown, so hopefully we'll have a more "normal" holiday with lots of trick-or-treaters and carved-out pumpkins!!!
    Bring on Christmas!!

  3. Wow...I had 4 trick or treaters (besides my great nieces/nephews) - but that was 4 more than last year, so I'll take 'em!! No jol for me this year either...shame on me. First in since "I can't remember when...." Happy November....Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin
