Friday, December 16, 2011

Christmas Greetings

My first Christmas cards arrived this week, the first all the way from England--Thank you Karen, and Merry Christmas (it will probably be a New Years surprise, but the girls are working like elves making a little surprise for you)--the second card came from one of our China group families. These women work as nurses in intensive care units, one for burn victims, one for critically ill infants. Besides that, they have adopted 3 children, and still they get a card full of photos and a lovely letter sent out before I do! Man, if that wasn't enough to make me sit down and address cards, I don't know what will--it is definitely no excuses time.

I took a few photos of things on my wish list at Gatherings while I was there, if Santa brings me a check, that little rocker may be going home with me! I absolutely fell in love with the leather book display, and thinking that might be the next thing I need to collect...


  1. Isn't that Wanda a little temptress and a half?? I can only imagine the trouble I'd be in if I could visit in person - but I get in enough trouble as it is with her posting photos and being willing to ship! ;o) I love getting old fashioned holiday cards in the mail....This is the first year ever I haven't kept up my end and it's making me feel very sad..... Wishing you a joy-filled weekend! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  2. Elaine
    Prim perfect displays of the store~ oh, I love them books~ go for it~giggles~!
    What a caring group of families in China~ and to have take the time to send cards out~ yes, some folks are just walking Angels~
    Have a great day

  3. Wonderful photos, love that knife tray, and the little rocker!

  4. Ooh, that little rocker is special, isn't it?
