Friday, June 1, 2012

Getting Organized

I'm sure this won't last, my work style is "start a project, throw it off to the side when I get bored and find it again 6 months later when I dig through my pile of rubble". My husband put up industrial shelves in the basement and this is just one of them, there are 6 all together! I spent all day putting all the rolling pins, bread boards, bowls, mashers together and the basket is completely full of spoons, then little odds and ends scattered about. Milk paints are all on one shelf, used to be in about 6 different places, so I was always looking for some color and not finding it, we'll see if this works! Once, Martha Stewart let the film crew in her office and it looked just like my mess, she had to step over piles of projects to get to her desk, I cherish that episode!

I must say, when every thing was all over the place, I had no idea how many bread boards I actually had (always knew the dough bowls were out of control), sad to say, I still want more!


  1. Oh Elaine...I can hear their hearts beating faster and faster, I can see the smiles on their faces, I can feel the upliftment they are getting from looking at these pictures...and I can just hear them cry...'Hallelujah, Praise the Lord, all those antiques and NOT ONE of them bloody painted'...!!!!
    Have a great weekend,
    Love Karen xx

  2. Hi, Elaine~ Whee ~ look at all the goodies~ wonder what you will do with them all~ I am sure you will be making them pretty~
    have a great weekend~
    oh, gotta tell you it rained Friday~ all day long~ it was beautiful~ amazing how I had missed the smell of rain~ perked up the corn & hay~so happy~
