Sunday, October 21, 2012

Let it Snow!

It has been one long hot summer and I think I am just about looking forward to a snowstorm. Of course, after the first one, I'll be griping about scraping my windshield and shoveling the drive, but right now, the thought of fluffy snowflakes sets me dreaming.

I had a real crafters idea block last week and told my friend Karen I finally figured out what was wrong--my house was clean. I had to put all my projects away and clean and make it look like a home instead of a sweat shop workroom, as my husband had a meeting with an air force recruiter at our house (now that is a whole other story....). I wandered around said clean house not able to think of anything creative and fussing and fretting about getting nothing done, then I just started putting all the crap back all over the place and voila!--suddenly I am overwhelmed with crafting energy, know exactly what I want to make for Christmas and can't start putting things together fast enough--guess I learned my lesson about being neat. It does make walking through the living room more difficult, but we must make sacrifices.

Here is a bit of the Christmas bug that bit me, lots more to come!

1 comment:

  1. Oh what a taste of things to come, Elaine!
    LOVE everything you've done so far...despite the Crafter's Block! I knew it wouldn't take you long to get back in the seat, so to speak!
    Keep up the good work, I love drooling over it all..!!
    Love Karen xx
