Sunday, October 7, 2012

My Clarinda Haunted House

Well, the open house show is over, only 50 people came out of 250 postcards that I sent, but those that came loved it. Not sure how to fix my advertising problem, but being stubborn, I'm just going to keep plugging away!

Here are the pictures, I do think my displays were lovely and I'm going to do it even better for Christmas, even if I'm the only one that sees it.


  1. OMG, Elaine...what fantastic displays...I wish I could have been there!
    Been thinking about you this weekend and hoping it went well for you...
    Chat soon,
    Love Karen xx

  2. Hi Elaine, I can definitely see that you put a lot into the show. The displays look great! Wish I was closer to attend! Sorry to hear it didn't have a huge turnout, but 50 is still better than some I have heard about!

    Blessings, Jessica

  3. hi, Elaine~ Beautiful~ spooky home~
    everything looks wonderful~ love the outside of the home~ the structure is gorgeous~
