Sunday, November 18, 2012

A Drive to Bishop Hill

I have wanted to visit Bishop Hill Illinois forever and we had a spur of the moment trip there yesterday for Sweet Annie's Christmas open house--it was wonderful! I left so fast, I forgot my camera, but you can get a glimpse from their website, Just like Gatherings, you really have to be there to fully appreciate it, it was such a step back in time. Grace went out to the wash house first, told me it was kind of magical, and it was. Anna sighed and said she would love to live there, me too! I couldn't afford a thing, but inspiration struck and I was up until midnight working feverishly on new ideas. Now, my things look nothing like their things, they are much more primitive, it just got me started thinking...

Here are some Christmas goods that just came to life last night...

1 comment:

  1. Oh Elaine, like you ever need inspiration or ideas! You are one of the most CREATIVE people I know. You do things with stuff that people wouldn't look twice at and make them totally beautiful and unique! Don't ever sell yourself short!
    Just keep up the good work and your new creations are just amazing, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE them!!
    I wish I could have gone to Illinois with you! That website is lush!
    Love Karen xx
