Monday, December 10, 2012

Clarinda Show Hopes Dashed

In answer to a comment posted, Clarinda is a very small town in southwest Iowa, where I have an antique sale at my home a couple times a year. It is about a 24 hour drive to California, a drive I know VERY well as I think I've done it 20 plus times. I was born in Pollock Pines in northern California, and my family drove back to Iowa to see grandmas and grandpas several times when I was a child. We moved back to Iowa eventually, then I keep driving back, as one of my sisters lives in Los Angeles and my cousins are still in the Pollock Pines area (mostly Placerville, but of course you've got to stop in Tahoe where my cousin Janet lives). Writing this is making me want to jump in the car and head west! We will get to do that in the spring when my Los Angeles nephew will be getting married and we are so excited to go to a wedding and Disneyland in a single trip.

Now, as for trying a second weekend for my show, big mistake. We sat staring out the window wondering where all the population were hiding. Sending huge thanks to the few that stopped in to keep us company, I thought we'd go crazy with no human contact there for a while! The good part was clearing out the dining room Saturday and cooking dinner to share with the neighbors, we had walnut chicken and lots of wine and a good time was had by all!

I have lots of things left from the show, here is just a smackerel of what is on the way to ebay...

1 comment:

  1. HI, I love your blog & what you sell on ebay. stop by & say hi :) i wish yu lived closer, you could come & "shop my sheds" i've got a tone of prims & everything you can imagine GIO
