Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Covered in Paint

I am on a painting roll, much to the delight of some, and the annoyance of others--everything is looking pretty, as far as I am concerned. Here are some cheery red white and blues....

My tiny kitchen has a breakfast bar that separates the kitchen from the open living/dining area--I always have it packed full of stuff, used to decorate it with shabby chicish flower pots and bunny things, but giving my primmy prims pride of place there right now though. Some girls might dream of a husband who showers them in diamonds, I prefer my husband who showers me in antiques--I got the early wood plate for Christmas, something I have wanted forever but could never justify the expense (for you diamond girls that might not know, those little suckers usually cost upward of $200 each). I've been saving that tiny shoofly and bread board, knew they just needed the right partner, and the plate is perfect!

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