I've wasted no end of time on Pinterest this week. I still don't know how anyone ever sees anything I post, but I just started adding photos and clicking on bunches of prim photos to put in my "like" file. I think my favorite post I found was of a handsome young man with the caption "Hey, girl, let me rub your shoulders while you pin." Too funny.
In the meantime, I am still retaking the winter ebay photos, trying to find interesting backdrops to get things sold, I think the pictures are turning out pretty good.
In other news, this time last year, my daffodils were nearly done blooming, the lilac bush was leafed out and starting to bloom, grass was green, life was good. This year, still cold, brown grass, barely a bud on the lilac, daffs just starting to pop up. Still, we just visited a wonderful little bakery on Summit St. this morning--lemon tarts covered in fresh fruit, charlotte pastries wrapped up in ribbon, and the most yummy petit fours ever--life is still good!