Saturday, May 11, 2013

Vacation First Stop Nashville

We are home at last, and I can hardly keep my eyes open at this point, car lag could be worse than jet lag....

Our first real part of the vacation was a stop in Nashville, a night at the Opryland Hotel (an amazing place about as big as Clarinda, it has pools and gardens and fountains and shops...), and of course we had to see the Grand Old Opry. A most wonderful surprise was the last set was Charlie Daniels, and he brought the place down when he played The Devil Came Down to Georgia. It was awe inspiring to see him play that fiddle. We had to go downtown to Gruhns Guitars, and stop at Fanny's House of Music and Vintage Fashions, as Taylor Swift mentioned that she loved the shop and my girls think seeing Taylor's fav shop is almost as good as seeing Taylor.

Love the southerners, but sure wish they'd stop with the sweet tea and get me an espresso~

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