Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Garden Walk

I live in a new subdivision, it has a lovely biking and walking trail nearby and the neighborhood is great, but the trees are only about 5 to 10 years old, so not much shade when you go for a walk. We have started driving downtown to the old neighborhoods where the 100 year old trees do their job so well. There are some real gardeners in Iowa City and I love these kind of wild overgrown front gardens--I do not have the gardening touch, I have to do everything in pots as I just am not good at taking care of things after they go into the ground. In the meantime, I do so enjoy everyone else's labors!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Elaine...what a beautiful place to walk! Some of those garden are well established and look lovely...lucky you for having such beauty around you!
    Love Karen xx
    PS...that first front garden is as big as my back garden!!
