Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Heat Wave

Iowa is so blessed hot right now (in August, who knew?)--it is pretty much unbearable, especially when the weather forecast seems to be stuck at 98 degrees and sunny every day. It's getting kind of depressing, too hot to walk, sales in the dustbin, nothing to do but complain! Well, I'm still painting away, trying new things like dusting these Halloweeny things with cinnamon to get them all grubby and spooky looking, I do like the effect and the house smells like a cinnamon roll. I am also wasting way too much time on Pinterest, getting all sorts of Christmas ideas, we'll see what goes from idea to reality!

1 comment:

  1. I would love to have you sell at my store in Iowa. Send me an email at jh2608@gmail.com. please!
