Saturday, August 10, 2013

Rediscovering the Brontes

I just finished reading Wuthering Heights--I've read Charlotte's Jane Eyre several times, but never got to Emily's masterpiece. What a surprise it was! I always thought it was the tale of star crossed lovers, wild and romantic, which in a way, I guess it is, but never did I imagine that Cathy and Heathcliff were absolute monsters--Heathcliff especially crazy and cruel. I am a book skimmer, I have to know how things are going to turn out and read ahead--this does not work at all in Wuthering Heights, every word is important, it is all interesting, and Lord, what was the real life of those Bronte girls? I found this wonderful blog about them that I am going to try to link to this page, they are fascinating writers. Reading this got me all curious about Anne, so I'm in the middle of Agnes Grey, a bit of a relief from the intensity of Wuthering Heights, but lots of cruelty going on in this one too. Tenant of Wildfell Hall is next, I know I read Villette, but I don't remember it so it is on the list as well. I am going to go look for the diaries, the blog has some entries that I just love, would really enjoy knowing more about the sisters.

Well, the ghost part of Wuthering Heights fits right into my work this week, here are some witchly things I have ready to list.

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