Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Antique Show Schmantique Show

The last time I was a dealer at a show was a frightening 20 plus years ago. I foolishly decided to try one again on Labor Day--and outdoors no less. Fool, fool, fool!
First, it was all stressful as the weather report said severe thunderstorms had an 80 percent chance of ruining the day. 20 percent won and there was no storm, how lovely, we thought. Since we have no truck any more, it took me in the Jeep packed to the ceiling and James in the Saturn making 4 or 5 trips to bring small tables and cupboards and so forth. We were feeling optimistic--for about 30 minutes. It soon became apparent that customers would be few and those that did come came with small wallets, unwilling to part with more than coins. Then the sun started boiling us. Anna, the ever cheerful one in the family almost punched a guy who told her she needed to smile (seriously this girl is almost always happy and pleasant and never mad, but that just about set her off completely). Grace lasted a bit longer before she got grouchy, but we sent Anna and James home and Grace and I lasted it out to the bitter end. Packing up was so horrible in the heat, and now I have to clean everything off, list on ebay and fill up Barntiques. I would so rather have a nap. In the meantime, here are a few items I got photographed. I re-did the egg jars--love them!

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