Sunday, September 13, 2015

A Little More Progress

I still can't show you a complete living room, but continue with baby steps--we have books on the shelves!  I would have china in the glass door cupboards, but after spending an hour putting in the hooks and starting to add the shelves, turns out I put the wrong shelves in the wrong cupboard and the 1/4" too long shelves scraped all my new paint off as I realized it wouldn't fit, then had to pound it out of place.  There were bad words being said.

In the meantime, one wall of cupboards have been ripped from hideous kitchen, sad that I think this actually looks better:


  1. Please come give my house an overhaul!

  2. I have decided we are completely insane. James ripped up the carpet on the back stairs for me, now that gets added to the "must paint" list. It sure is going to be pretty, but lord, it is taking forever!
