Friday, April 22, 2016

Almost One More Cupboard Done

I have the hoosier cupboard almost finished, but couldn't wait to share.  This one had me worried, but I think it is pretty good here at the finish line.  I still have to finish the pull out bread boards (thus the little slots under the counter) and I have to polish up the zinc again as I varnished it and it got all gouged up when we put the cupboard together.   My husband replaced the back of the cupboard with wainscoting and added the little crown trim--this straightening of the cupboard resulted in the doors no longer fitting, so a couple of nights have seen James planing down the doors.  Now they fit, but don't really stay closed, so we are looking for latches.    All in all, though, results are good.  First comment from James?  "Where did all those little white pitchers come from?"  I've been buying them for 10 years and packing them away for just such an opportunity.

Just in case you forgot, the cupboard looked like this a couple of weeks ago:

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