Sunday, July 24, 2016

The Pile of Crap Room is Reborn as the Dining Room

For about a year, my dining room has looked like this, as we piled stuff into it while we worked on all the other rooms.

At long, long last, the transformation is complete....I can hardly believe this is the same view!

Here are some more rather astonishing before and afters...First we have the original salmon colored dining room with the former owners decor, this view is taken from the kitchen.

Can we have a drum roll please?  Here is my beautiful new dining room!

Here we travel back in time to the other side of the room and see the view from the living room.  Sooo, before....

and after...

I am completely calling this one a miracle.  The house is presentable at last (well, except for the upstairs, but I prefer not to think about that)

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